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Who would win in a battle Gandalf vs. Dumbledore?
This debate could go on for many pages and fill a book with an endless quirrel (see what I did there). Many other people have had this same question and many discussions have been conducted online.
Consider the following:
Mellissa Mcginnis, on quora.com
“Let’s look at the players in this battle.. We’ll begin with the mortal. Albus too-many-middle-names Dumbledore. Around 100 years old, considered the greatest wizard of his time, with possibly even greater abilities than Voldemort. One hundred percent mortal, 55 percent moral. Where was that mercy when he left a 15-month old BABY on the doorstep, in England, IN NOVEMBER at NIGHT?!
Now, the immortal. Gandalf the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White. He held his own, alone, in the upper chamber. Gandalf the Grey, who took on the Nazgul at Weathertop. Gandalf fought the Balrog, a fallen Maia, and a follower — not of Sauron, but of Morgoth himself.
Yes, Gandalf perished, but he was sent back, as his work was not yet done. Gandalf, who, if you recall, no longer had a mortal body. Gandalf offered the Balrog a chance to surrender, “Go back to the Shadow” and I think, had the Balrog backed down, it would have been allowed to dwell in Moria, though I do not know.”
Brandon Layne, on quora.com
“I think it depends on whether we are talking about Gandalf the Grey or White. He is a an old man with a touch of magic, but otherwise subject to anything that may befall any person sans normal aging. Gandalf the Grey relied more on swords and melee staff attacks, and his mind wasn’t as sharp as it could have been. I honestly feel that Dumbledore’s power and skills are much more significant than the powers and skills of Gandalf the Grey.
Another thing to keep in mind is Dumbledore’s ruthlessness. Dumbledore is willing to sacrifice and lie to people the moment it seems necessary, while Gandalf tried his hardest to keep Frodo away from anything. He never lied to Frodo or Bilbo about their potential fates, readily telling them they their chances of survival were not very hopeful. I can definitely see Gandalf the Grey losing to Dumbledore.
However, Gandalf the White is a different matter. He is implied to have a degree of physical impermeability. He also claimed to be more powerful than anyone except Sauron, so this includes Galadriel, Saruman and any other potential Balrogs. Dumbledore’s fire attacks or concussive spells would hold little power over him, and his mind would be difficult for a mere man to read. Dumbledore’s magic works on what could be loosely be called the genetic level, growing from intelliect and experience.
Gandalf’s personality also undergoes a change. He is much more focused and aggressive, and is more willing to use direct force. Dumbledore is ultimately a human of exceptional power, but I don’t think he will stand against Gandalf the White.”
Abigail Cubbage, The Prowl
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the greatest wizard to have ever lived, he also once had the three objects of the deathly hallows. Dumbledore fought the urge to become more powerful than death himself. However he also endured the horcruxes side-effects. Then he entrusted Harry to the Dursleys when he was a baby because he knew that Voldemort or his followers would never find him with the muggles.
Then he helped Harry find the other horcruxes because he knew eventually Harry would have to be able to destroy the horcrux within himself.
Gandalf the Grey was a mortal with a little magic. However standing up against the Balrog he ended up falling into shadow and then in a sense died. Then afterwards he came back as Gandalf the White as how Sarumon was supposed to be. Gandalf also became more powerful and had almost forgotten who he was. Then he also knew allies and attempted to get them to help Frodo get the ring to Mordor. Dumbledore didn’t have contacts to give Harry and kind of let him go off on his own without telling him hardly any information on where or how to destroy the horcruxes.
Also later begging Snape to kill him and not tell Harry in some way that he knew how to keep Harry safe. Gandalf came back to life and continued to fight and help Frodo on his journey. Making sure somehow and someway there was a chance he could make it possible for the good people to win. Dumbledore, as strong a wizard as he was, would not win in a fight with Gandalf.