Photo Courtesy of Josie Griffin
Albertsons, located at 1005 West Coulter Avenue, recently opened in Powell. The new store has rapidly gained popularity among Powell residents.
Albertsons, a long awaited addition to the City of Powell’s businesses, opened Feb. 25 and has already gained an immense number of customers. Powell residents have waited four years for a business to replace Shopko after the chain ceased operations in 2019.
Albertsons has been a welcome addition to Powell’s businesses and has offered more jobs for both community members and PHS students. The employees are reported to be very friendly and helpful.
“I like how they treat their employees,” junior and Albertsons employee Liam Atkinson said. “I feel like I get to be who I am as a person and not an obstacle.”
The store has been the source of many conversations lately, and many community members wonder if it will put other grocery stores in Powell out of business.
“I think The Market may be put out of business because it is in such an awkward place,” Atkinson said. “I believe that Albertsons has a lot of better options, and I really like the environment there.”
Although everyone has different opinions, many Powell residents agree that other grocery stores in Powell will suffer from Albertsons opening. However, some plan to continue to support Blairs and The Market.
“I’ll go to Albertsons right now just because it is new, and they have a Starbucks,” senior Shelby Fagan said. “I’ll always be loyal to Blair’s, though.”
Since opening, Albertsons has caught the attention of most Powell residents, including Mrs. Bennett’s Housing and Interior Design class who took a field trip to visit the store.
“[Albertsons] utilized the space really well,” Family and Consumer Science teacher Mrs. Kandi Bennett said. “They have a lot of products for the small space and fit it in very well.”
The store was built in the building previously occupied by Shopko which presented limited space for the expansive amount of products typically found in an Albertsons store. To solve this problem, the store utilizes tall shelves and narrow aisles. Having a third grocery store in Powell offers residents more variety.
“Sometimes we’d have to go to Cody to go to Walmart,” Fagan said. “It’s nice having an Albertsons in town because we won’t have to make trips to Cody.”