Powell Lady Panthers snag their 2nd ever win vs Cody
The Girls’ soccer team celebrates after their noteworthy achievement over Cody.
The Girls’ soccer team celebrates after their noteworthy achievement over Cody.
Greg Wise

Powell High School’s [PHS] girls’ soccer team traveled to Spike Vannoy Field in Cody, Wyoming on Apr. 23 to face the Cody Fillies. This long-lasting rivalry has been dominated by Cody ever since PHS started their girls’ soccer program over 20 years ago.

The Lady Panthers had only one victory over the Fillies in school history; however, that curse was broken after the girls’ snagged their second win against their neighboring town with a 6-3 final score.

“The win meant so much for me,” senior girls’ soccer player Aubree Fisher said. “The Cody Enterprise also said some rude things about us, so it was awesome shoving it back at them.”

The win meant so much for me. The Cody Enterprise also said some rude things about us, so it was awesome shoving it back at them.”

— senior girls’ soccer player Aubree Fisher

Powell and Cody sport’s teams have butted heads for decades. Whether it’s on a field, court, or track, the two towns just love to go at it.

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The girls’ soccer team knew exactly how much a win against the opponent would influence the rest of their season. The schedule doesn’t get too much easier as the Lady Panthers are set to face Green River, who’s beaten them twice this year, on May 10.

“[The game] brought a lot of confidence to the team,” freshman girls’ soccer player Emery Hernandez said. “We beat our rivals just the second time in school history, so now we feel more ready for our upcoming challenges.”

[The game] brought a lot of confidence to the team. We beat our rivals just the second time in school history, so now we feel more ready for our upcoming challenges.”

— freshman girls’ soccer player Emery Hernandez

Both sides took the time they had to prepare for the contest. Knowing how physically demanding soccer can be, coaches and players understand the importance of keeping the athletes conditioned.

On the other hand, the sport is a mental game too. A lot of chatting during the games could easily break down an optimistic demeanor. Losing your head will not only influence the victim, but the whole team.

“A negative mindset will travel fast,” junior girls’ soccer player Bella Nelson said. “A positive mindset will travel much slower, but it has a much greater impact.”

A negative mindset will travel fast. A positive mindset will travel much slower, but it has a much greater impact.”

— junior girls’ soccer player Bella Nelson

The substantial success of the match for Powell did much more than just boost morale. It punched the golden ticket for the state tournament as well. The girls have officially qualified in back-to-back years. 

“Not only are we just going [to state], but we have a real shot at being champions,” Nelson said. “We are going for the win. We will finish out strong.”

Not only are we just going [to state], but we have a real shot at being champions. We are going for the win. We will finish out strong.”

— junior girls' soccer player Bella Nelson

Seedings in the big tourney were greatly changed for the better. The Lady Panthers are set up in a great opportunity. The path is right in front of them.

“We have beat the top two teams,” Fisher said. “We will be in a good position when we go to state.”

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