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Split lunches, yea or nay
The controversial opinions on lunch.
The controversial opinions on lunch.
Kate Williams

From Monday to Friday, during the school day, students eat lunch from 11:13 to 11:52 or if they have “B” lunch, 12:07 to 12:48. 

Lunchtime for students is a time to socialize with other students who they may not have in their classes. Some believe that having two different lunches and splitting up friend groups can have a negative impact on the social lives of students.


Not only can the split periods separate friends, but it also can affect the open campus and how students feel about leaving and getting back in time for their classes. The bell schedule of the high school accommodates for having two different lunch periods by having bells at multiple times before students are allowed to go to lunch.

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“I think more people would leave if we had a combined lunch,” freshman Maddie Valdez said. “Because there would be more time to eat.”

Although many students dislike being separated from their friends, and would like having a combined lunch instead of two separate lunches there are advantages, such as the lunchroom being less crowded.

“I think the benefit of having two separate lunches is that it helps tone down chaos,” sophomore Troy Cheatham said. “But I also think that there are some downsides, like splitting up friend groups.”

Another benefit of having two separate lunches, is that the lunch lines are significantly shorter and people can get through the lines and get food faster.

“An advantage of though is it definitely lessens the crazy,” Whipple said. “And shorter lines and more room during lunch.”

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