Freedom Fitness implements a beneficial athletic program
Freedom Fitness’ logo represents who they are.
Freedom Fitness’ logo represents who they are.
Toby Sessions

Freedom Fitness is a training facility in Powell, Wyoming. It is a gym for anyone with an array of desired outcomes. Whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or becoming more athletic, Freedom Fitness is the place to go. 

Jess Campbell, the owner of this performance-enhancing resource, has a summer sports program specifically designed to help athletes become more explosive, faster, or stronger. 

“The foundation is everything that I wish I had as a high school athlete before going to college and playing ball,” Campbell said. “I started this program in hopes that the foundational support will propel [the athletes] further.”

Some of the lifts performed inside the building are hang/power cleans, bench press, back squats, and other common exercises. However, the production focuses mainly on athletic movements.

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These motions not only aid the physical side of the competitors, but also increase their mindset toward accomplishing difficult workouts.

“The development of a mindset is my favorite part,” Campbell said. “Your mindset hardening and understanding you can do hard things is a crucial part in sports.”

The development of a mindset is my favorite part. Your mindset hardening and understanding you can do hard things is a crucial part in sports.”

— Freedom Fitness Owner Jess Campbell

Perspective can make or break a sportsperson. Losing your head would ultimately not only harm the individual, but the entire team if that’s the kind of sport he or she is taking part in.

Since this scheme of preparation is open to anybody, students at Powell High School are excited to be a part of this grueling training process.  

“The summer program has done so much for me throughout the years,” junior Saige Kidd said. “It has helped me gain a better understanding of myself whether it be mental or physical.”

Those who love to win will find ways to continue to better themselves; nitpicking every part of their game, finding their strengths and weaknesses. That’s another one of the many things Freedom Fitness attempts to assist their participants in locating.

“I think it is an excellent program that does so much for athletes,” Kidd said. “Jess offers such a knowledgeable and research-based program for every athlete in any sport.”

Players of football, basketball, or other various sports are welcome to partake in the physical curriculum.

Even some members who stopped going to these sessions speak very highly of it. Sophomore Ryan Barrus used to attend the class until he put his focus more on bodybuilding drills. He still recommends the courses, even though he no longer attends them. 

“I think it is perfect for athletes,” Barrus said. “If you want to be more athletic and explosive for your sport, then it’s exactly what you should do.”

Barrus used to play multiple sports, which is why he chose the program. During his time in the production, he remembers the progress he continually made throughout the summer.

“[The guidance] definitely made me a far better athlete,” Barrus said. “My vertical increased and I just became more overall fit than I used to be.”

The 2024 Sports Performance Program will begin on June 3. The class times are still in question, but 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. MT are the frontrunners. Freedom Fitness is always welcoming more gym goers; they hope to only continue to push athletes further.

“I hope we can get new faces in the facility,” Campbell said. “The end goal of it all is to be primed and ready to apply the sport to all of the work that we put in.”

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