Powell High School’s athletes talk about their summer schedules
Unleash your potential and train for your sport.
Unleash your potential and train for your sport.
Ethan Cartier

As the school year ends, summer training starts for the athletes at Powell High School. The sports starting in the fall will be cross country, football, volleyball, cheer, girls swimming, and tennis.  

Throughout the summer, many students will train for their sports to ensure readiness and good performance at the start of the year. While some train in the pool, others may run or go to summer training camps to get their peak performance.

Sophomore Kaitlin Diver is a part of the girl’s swim team. In the summer, she tries to train almost every day along with summer swim camps she partakes in.

“I usually try to be in the water every single day,” Diver said. “I think the effort I put into my training during the summer helps determine how my performance will be that season.”

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I usually try to be in the water every single day. I think the effort I put into my training during the summer helps determine how my performance will be that season.”

— sophomore Kaitlin Diver

Summer training can be very helpful. It helps you already be in shape and prevent injuries from happening. It can also aid your performance and your confidence as well. 

“I like to do longer runs and do races put on by other people during the summer,” sophomore Korbyn Warren said. “I try to run regularly and run with the team too. This summer I plan on training more so I can get better at running and have a good cross-country season.”

It can be hard to want to train during the summer, but it can impact your season to the best of your ability depending on how much work you put in.

“I like to lift,” sophomore Tyler Wenzel said. “ It helps me to prepare for football.”

Training during the summer is one of the most important and best things you can do. It helps you gain strength, confidence, and develop skills.

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