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Holiday spirit is shared with others as elementary schoolers sing Joyce songs.
Westside Elementary school students gather as they sing festive songs.
Westside Elementary school students gather as they sing festive songs.
Maddison Rodriguez

With Christmas around the corner, Powell’s Elementary Schools hosted an array of Christmas programs. 

Southside Elementary kicked off the festive season with the first program of the year. 

“I feel the program went very well,” Southside elementary music teacher Kathryn Sears said. “The students worked so hard and it really showed in their amazing performance. I am very proud of all the Southside students!”

As students sing everyone’s heart fills with joy including Sears.

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“I always love to see the students all dressed up, having fun and making music together on the stage,” Sears said. “Their smiles radiate, and it makes my heart happy to hear their beautiful singing.”

In addition to Southside’s performance Westside Elementary School held their performance on December 5th.

 “I thought the program went very well! I was extremely proud of the quality of musicianship this year,” Westside Elementary music teacher Emily Andrews said. “The students sang and played really well!”

Andrews expressed her favorite stand-out moments of the student’s performance.

“The Grinch was very entertaining,” Andrews said. “But my favorite part of the program was the finale, when all the students sang together. It was beautiful!”

 last but not least Parkside Elementary finished off the series of programs.

”I thought that the program went really, really well this year,” Parkside and Clark Elementary Music President Michael Jaycox said. “The students did a remarkable job, everyone performed really well, and I have heard nothing but good comments from the audience!”

All Powell Elementary music teachers seem to have the same favorite part of the programs including Jaycox. That moment is when all the students meet and sing as a group. 

“I love the finale, it is always my favorite part of the program,” Jaycox said. “I love getting to see all of the students sing together!”

But unlike the other programs, a sentimental moment happened between a trusting student and Jaycox.

“I don’t think there was anything that went wrong with the program,” Jaycox said. “I did have something happen that I have not ever had happen before. I had a student get so nervous on stage that he came right to me for a hug and for comfort, right in the middle of a song… I am not upset about it at all, as I have told this student when he needs a hug, he can get one. And I am honored he felt safe enough to come to me.”

Overall the programs were a success and were the perfect start to this merry month. 

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