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Is there a common impression that certain teams are favored for banners?
The girl's cross country banner in the Powell High School gym.
The girl’s cross country banner in the Powell High School gym.
Greg Wise

Powell High School participants feel that there is a prejudice against the less favored activities and getting banner recognition in the gym or auditorium. In recent weeks, more organizations have felt an unfairness associated with certain clubs.

There are numerous reasons why a multitude of people think that some banners aren’t being put up. 

“I think we do have a good new activities director,” dance team captain Caitlin Belmont said. “And I think in the past, those jobs haven’t really been set out and put as a priority.”

That is one reason people think that the banners aren’t being put up, and teachers and students have wondered why.

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“I don’t know where we would hang them in the school, and there’s already existing ones for sports,” robotics coach Joel Hayano said. “…like the swimming ones; their banner’s hanging at the swimming pool, not here, so it’s hard to tell.”

Some think it’s a problem with space, but others wonder if there is a partisanship associated with certain teams.

“I would say that there is a higher priority for the more popular activities that we have, like basketball and football and volleyball and all those things,” Belmont said. “The more popular your sporting event is, the more likely you’re gonna get stuff back. So yeah, I would say there is a little bit of a bias.

The common consensus is that there is a favoritism towards certain teams getting banners. Whether this be a conscious or unconscious decision, people seem to think there is some partiality involved.

“I would definitely think that there is a bias,” junior Mason Coombs said. “I’m not necessarily sure if it’s on purpose … Not getting a banner, that’s a big thing of bias as well.”

Some feel there is prejudice, it is being incorporated unconsciously, meaning that they aren’t aware that there seems to be a precedence against certain teams.

“I don’t think anybody’s purposefully ignoring anybody,” English teacher Bailey Jackson said. “Yeah, I think it’s just something that kind of flies under the radar, sometimes.”

School banners are important to several people for various reasons. Students believe the banners are a part of a ritual to honor those who worked hard to win the state competition.

“I think it should be required when you win state,” Belmont said. “Like when you win state, you get an escort, and you get an announcement. You get it recognized by the school board and things like that. I think that should be another requirement is that you get a banner.”

Regardless of whether it should be a ritual or it is a celebration, many say that it is an important part of our school and having them as a way to acknowledge the achievements won.

“We think it’s good to celebrate the accomplishments of teams and groups in the school,” activities director Richard Despain said. “Banners have been established as a way to remember those groups that reached the highest level of performance in competition.”

Many students felt that teams shouldn’t have to be recognized by the Wyoming High School Activities Association.

“I know that [robotics] isn’t WHSAA affiliated,” Coombs said. “So, technically, we aren’t a part of the activities association there, but I still think that we should get a banner because we still are a part of Powell High School.”

Opinions differ when it comes to banner recognition and WHSAA affiliation, but lettering is yet another component factor. It’s not only being recognized by the WHSAA but also being a part of the lettering.

To have a banner, the activity or sport that wins competition needs to be one that is recognized by WHSAA, in which our school participates,” Mr. Despain said. “And they must also be a group that is a member of our letter club.”

Teams battle with the school for the honor of a banner, and there’s reason to think that there shouldn’t be a requirement to be recognized by WHSAA. 

“I do think banners are really important for pretty much any single thing that wins state,” Coombs said. “Because it does really just hold the legacy.”

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