Conferences draw big crowd to PHS

Teachers were busy both nights meeting with parents

More stories from Isabella Wambeke

Over 200 parents attending parent-teacher conferences Nov. 6-7 at Powell High School.


Over 200 parents attending parent-teacher conferences Nov. 6-7 at Powell High School.

Parent-teacher conferences have come and gone. Teachers were able to talk to parents about the student’s strengths and weaknesses the evenings of Nov. 6-7 in the PHS Commons.

Some 238 parents attended the conferences, making it a busy night for teachers.

“The fall one is usually a little bit bigger but definitely Monday night was one of the larger nights that I have seen in the last four or five years probably,” math teacher Mr. Troy Hildebrand said.

Increased class sizes and new teachers have an effect on the outcome of the event.

“We had three new teachers in core subjects like math with Mr. Munger and science and then Ms. Jackson in English and Mr. Hayano in math and computer science,” Mr. Hildebrand said. “So sometimes when there’s new teachers, parents that have never met them before like to take that opportunity to come in and meet them for the first time also.”

Being able to talk to parents gives teachers an opportunity to discuss where the students need more support and where they are excelling.

“So this is a time where it’s a set time where we’re there and we can talk to them,” Biology teacher Mrs. Lenita Moore said. “I had a really good conversation with a lot of parents; it’s always nice to have one-on-one conversations.”

This year parent-teacher conferences had a good outcome with lots of parents wanting to know what and how their child was doing.

“You know I think they were pretty consistent. Our fall parent teacher conferences are usually pretty good,” Powell High School Principal Mr. James Kuhn said. “Every year when we’ve had the fall conferences it seems like it’s mostly freshman and sophomore parents that come and it’s a great opportunity for the parents meet the teachers when their kids are in the younger grades.”

Several PHS teachers said they appreciated having an opportunity to talk with parents.