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Students share their opinions on whether or not lunch intervention is helpful
Students try to finish their missing assignments in Mr. Quigleys room.
Students try to finish their missing assignments in Mr. Quigleys room.
Norah Startin

ZAP was a program used to help students at the middle school finish and turn in their work during lunchtime. 

The list was posted and every kid would run down the halls to see if their name appeared on the dreaded piece of paper, no one wanted to miss their recess! 

The high school has taken on the same initiative when adding the new Lunch Intervention and Panther Time program. It is used for teachers to request certain students to complete their missing assignments but is it as effective as it seems?

There are mixed opinions on lunch intervention. Many have strong opinions about giving up their lunch but that is what is most effective about it. It is giving up your time to finish those things that could have been done in class. 

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“I think it is pointless because why give up your lunch to do assignments you could have done in class.” junior Jazlyn Farman said. “I think teachers could request those students in panther time rather than lunch or just make it affect their grade instead.”

There are many alternatives for taking away students’ lunch hour. Teachers could put in a bad grade for the assignment and let the students finish it on their own time to improve their grades or make them stay before and after school. 

“I think lunch intervention is a great motivation for students,” Mr. Quigley said. “It makes them want to do their work because they don’t get to share their lunch with their friends.”

“It [lunch intervention] intervenes with our only break during school.” sophomore Sheyna George said. “We should have it after school or before school because I think that would work better.”

To conclude, lunch intervention has helped students complete their work in the past and will continue to in the future.

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