Students hug Mrs. Schoessler and her husband during their choir class.
Students hug Mrs. Schoessler and her husband during their choir class.
Norah Startin


Students share their favorite moments with Mrs. Schoessler

At PHS, it has come to our attention that the beloved choir teacher will not be returning to the school in the 2024-2025 school year.

Middle and High school choir teacher Rachel Schoessler was a favorite teacher to all who came through her class during those four years at Powell schools.

“She likes to give everyone an opportunity,” sophomore Geo Dillworth said. “She’s so kind and hardworking, and I probably wouldn’t have gotten as far in choir as I have without her.”

She likes to give everyone an opportunity. She’s so kind and hardworking, and I probably wouldn’t have gotten as far in choir as I have without her.”

— sophomore Geo Dillworth

Mrs. Schoessler has had many good experiences at the school, describing students as kind, caring, and hardworking.

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“What I’ll remember most about teaching is the love I’ve shared with thousands of students,” Mrs. Schoessler said. “Growing up, I was very shy and had a hard time connecting with people. Through teaching, I’ve discovered how fulfilling, rewarding, and revitalizing human connection can be.”

What I’ll remember most about teaching is the love I’ve shared with thousands of students. Growing up, I was very shy and had a hard time connecting with people. Through teaching, I’ve discovered how fulfilling, rewarding, and revitalizing human connection can be.”

— Mrs. Schoessler

Students had many of their favorite memories in choir on the All-Northwest trip to Spokane Washington. They learned so much with many fun teachers, but most importantly, Mrs Schoessler was there cheering them along the entire way and having so much fun with them.

“We went to this Brazilian stake house thing after the concert during Northwest,” senior Joe Bucher said. “The five of us just devoured a grilled pineapple for an hour and a half while having some of the best conversations.”

Freshman in PHS singers have had Mrs. Schoessler since they were sixth graders at the middle school. She has been their only music teacher and they have had so much fun in her classes throughout the years.

“One of my favorite memories with Mrs. Schoessler was every time she played the ‘Newsies,’” freshman Cayleigh Douzenis said. “It was [a] fan favorite in her class and I remember the first time watching [it] with her we all sang along and just had a really good time.”

Mrs. Schoessler is not the only Schoessler that will be missed after she leaves. The Schoessler family has made a huge impact on the choir students at PHS. Tim Schoessler, Mrs. Schoessler’s husband, has helped immensely in the class with his phenomenal piano skills. Her daughter, Aria, has grown up with the choir classes as she is often brought into them. Students have watched her grow from a newborn to now three years old.

“Every time she brought in Aria we got to play with her, and she is such a sweet little kid,” Douzenis said. “We enjoyed our time with Aria and I just love that family.”

Mrs. Schoessler will be missed incredibly by all the PHS students and her impact will stay true to our schools forever.

“It’s also astounding to know no matter how many people come and go in your life, and no matter how much you care for each one, there is always room in your heart for more,” Mrs. Schoessler said. “I will miss my students immensely, but I will be watching to see what amazing things they all accomplish in their future.”

It’s also astounding to know no matter how many people come and go in your life, and no matter how much you care for each one, there is always room in your heart for more. I will miss my students immensely, but I will be watching to see what amazing things they all accomplish in their future.”

— Mrs. Schoessler

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