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Students and teachers share thoughts on being interviewed for Journalism class
Powell High School students share their opinions on being interviewed.
Powell High School students share their opinions on being interviewed.
Katie Morrison

PHS students are often pulled out of class for interviews, quotes, or pictures for various classes at PHS. Many at PHS have been interviewed, and some have great opinions of the matter. 

Some students have been interviewed multiple times, and these people were willing to share their stories and opinions on the whole interviewing thing. 

One student who has been interviewed numerous times is junior Salem Brown. She has been interviewed or mentioned in eleven published PHS Prowl Articles.

“I feel great, I love being pulled out of class, and I love knowing that I made my mark on PHS.” Brown said. “[I get interviewed a lot because] I guess I just do a lot of things. It feels like if people need a junior quote they just ‘ask Salem’. “

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As a matter of fact, journalism students seem to constantly interview certain teachers such as Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand who have been in the Prowl a combined total of twenty-two times.

“Most of the time, I get interviewed because of sports or activities my wife and I are supervising such as golf and basketball,” coach and math teacher Mr. Troy Hildebrand said. “Sometimes it is just issues and things in the school, but most of the time it is for some kind of activity.”

Mrs. Hildebrand has different insights to her husband. Mrs. Ashley Hildebrand teaches social studies, coaches cross-country, and does multiple things with track and field. 

When told that she and her husband have been in the Prowl so many times, Hildebrand responded with shock and also shared her opinion on virtual interviewing.

“I had no idea it was that many times,” Hildebrand said. “But I don’t mind being interviewed. I think I actually prefer being interviewed than to someone emailing me questions because a lot of times I’ll see that, and then I’ll kind of put it to the wayside.”

Some students are interviewed more than others, but freshman Caden Barker has mild opinions on the matter. 

“I don’t mind it,”  Barker said. “I don’t feel awkward in any form or fashion.” 

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