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PHS Students and Teachers react to Morning Announcement Humor.
The jokes told at the start of the day are a huge hit with the students and staff.
The jokes told at the start of the day are a huge hit with the students and staff.
Katie Morrison

At Powell High School after the pledge of allegiance and the daily announcements, students are subjected to some questionable forms of humor. 

Student Body Vice President Katie Morrison and Senior Class Vice  President Kate Miller will sometimes crack a dad joke for the enjoyment, or chagrin, of the students and teachers here at the school. 

“Kate is the one who had the idea to bring back jokes in the announcements,” Morrison said. “Those who did the announcements in the past did jokes, and we thought it would be fun to do them, too.”

While the announcers have lots of fun choosing a joke each day, it truly reflects on the students. 

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“I personally love the jokes,” junior Connor Howard said. “They brighten my day.” 

But it isn’t always just random jokes that the announcers choose; they often have suggestions. 

“When we’re in the office each morning, we sometimes ask teachers passing through if they have a joke to share,” Morrison said. “We also deep delve into Google to find corny jokes about whatever mood we were in.” 

The most important part is that the jokes are oftentimes very silly and often not very practical. 

According to the British Psychology Society, “Dad jokes may have a positive pedagogical effect, toughening up the kids who are begrudgingly exposed to them.”  

“I think the jokes put a smile on people’s faces,” physical education teacher Charli Fluty said. “[The jokes] are a fun way to start the day!” 

These jokes vary from “Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil? Because it is pointless,” to “Why do golfers wear 2 pairs of pants? In case they get a hole-in-one!”

“I personally don’t mind them,” senior Jordan Black said. “I mean, I think it makes the morning better because it puts a smile on people’s faces. I think that since they are dad jokes, it makes it all that much better.”

The dads in the school tend to agree. 

“I love them,” dad and math teacher Zac Coombs said. “Dad jokes are the best. The more cheesy, the better!” 

The only criticism came from student success coordinator Jason Quigley, who is actually interested in guessing the answers to the jokes.

“I have only one thing to say,” Quigley said, “I wish they would give us just 10 seconds so that we could think about the answers.”

But as a whole, these dad jokes are enjoyed by the student body as well as the staff. 

“When I die, I want to be cremated,” Mr. Coombs said. “It’s my last chance to have a smoking hot body. Ha ha ha.”

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