How to beat the holiday blues
Sometimes the holidays get people down, but the love of a pet and other joyful aspects of life can easily reverse the sad trend.
Money, bad weather and planning the holidays all cause stress during the holidays which can really bring you down.
Stress and depression are feelings during the holidays that should be avoided. The holiday blues are able to be prevented to lift your spirits during the holidays.
Here are 10 ways to avoid the holiday blues:
- Avoid spending too much. People want to buy the best for their loved ones, but cannot afford it. Baking and making your gifts are great. Cookies, cards and poems are perfect presents.
“Not spending a lot is key. Bake and keep it simple. Make Christmas cards and even do poetry and stories,” Powell High School psychologist Dr. Mary Dillivan said. “People like to get something that is hand-made. It’s not all about the money, it’s the thought.”
- Spend time in the sun. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is when you don’t receive enough sunlight. It is typically in the winter months, and places with little sunlight.
“When the seasons change, without that amount of sunlight it affects how your brain works. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Everyone just calls it SAD for its nickname,” PHS counselor, Mrs. Kara Miller said.
- Listen to music. Listening to your favorites will boost you spirit and lower your stress.
“It is such a therapy,” Dr. Dillivan said. “Music has a lot of calming and relaxing effects.”
- Helping others makes you happy. Doing small things for others such as snow shoveling and sharing gifts boosts everyone’s holiday spirits.
“Wrapping yourself around the idea of service around this time of the year, I think is one of the best ways to keep yourself joyful and happy these holidays,” PHS counselor, Mr. Trevor Lee said.
- Laugh. Everyone needs to laugh more and it is good for you.
“Laughing is so good for your body,” Dr. Dillivan said.
- Spend time with your loved ones. Being with your family is one of the most cherished moments during the holidays. Bing with your loved ones will always boost your spirits.
“Seek people or things that you love. Somebody that offers you support,” Mrs. Miller said. “They have a tendency to bring you out of a funk to brighten your day.”
- Avoid conflict. Arguing with bring your day down. If you have a family conflict, there should always be with someone that you aren’t arguing with.
“You find the family member you can get along with,” Mr. Lee said.
- Citrus smells. Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit help lower your stress for the day.
“Citrus smells. Evidently lemon and orange have a huge calming effect on the brain,” Dr. Mary Dillivan said.
- Do what you enjoy. Doing your favorite things should always be happy times for you.
“Find something that sparks your interest,” Mr. Lee said. “I know when people are engaged in helping others, it brings about a more jovial persona.”
- Be open to new traditions. If some major event happens in your family, the holidays may not be the same, it will be okay to change things up. Sometimes it’s good to have changes from the same things over and over. Christmas will probably not go the same way you had planned in your head.
“Realize it’s not going to be a perfect Christmas or holiday,” Dr. Dillivan said.