You know you’re from a small town if …

Small-town life comes with its joys … and its challenges.
There are certain aspects about living in a small town that you just can’t get when you live in a city. This will probably be the most relatable column you will ever read, that is if you reside somewhere with a population less than 10,000.
Here are five factors you have experienced because your folks decided to settle down in a small town.
You know you live in a small town when:
- All of your coaches are also your teachers.
Seriously, when have you had a coach (that wasn’t through the Rec center) that was not a teacher, also? Just some examples include coaches Hildy, Urbach, Stendlund, Schwan and Preator. There are many more, but the teachers in Powell will always be our coaches. As long as we stay small.
- You are late for something because you get stuck behind a tractor.
Not only this, but I have experienced being stuck behind a tractor in the McDonald’s drive-thru.
There is no way this happens in cities. I’m still not quite sure if I should call this experience a blessing, or a curse. Let’s just say that everybody in the car got a good laugh at it.
- Everybody is related to everybody.
Forget dating! We have all had that experience where we tell a friend that we think someone is cute, and then they reply with, “Ew! That’s my insert random family member here.” The upside to this one is when you do end up dating a family member of one your your friends, they have the most embarrassing pictures of them.
- Everybody knows everybody.
To tag on to the last one, this is entirely too true. You can’t walk into the grocery store with your mom without her stopping to talk to everybody they see for five minutes each … Or even longer. The rumors also spread like wildfires because of this reason.
- The entire town listens to country musi c.
If you are that one person in your classroom that isn’t crazy obsessed with this kind of music, like me, your music choice almost always gets ruled out. If not, you and your friends always love a good country song playing while you work.
Ryan • May 14, 2018 at 9:59 pm
Powell has 3 E’s in its name: Everyone knows Everything about Everybody!!!