Me, myself and I: Alone at lunch
Saying goodbye to your usual lunch buddy because of schedule changes at semester can be challenging for some students.
January 24, 2018
Internal crying. You have no friends now. During the one period you can have food and a possible nap. Having friends *sniffle* makes it even better. Going on lunch adventures and raiding Blair’s, Maverik, Mr. D’s, Taco Johns and McDonalds. Then having employees deal with you while your teachers cower in their classrooms getting a break from the big tiny demons.
But alas. This is you. Your lunch period friends from first semester are gone … to the other lunch period. You, my friend. Are alone.
They have left you to sit alone eating your sad sandwich, a “sad-wich” if you will. While they get to have fun together and you sit in your math class unable to focus on the equations because the only answer you can get is x = LONELINESS3
However, when this happens you can still have fun by yourself during your lunch period. That 50 minutes of fun and fries. Also massive amounts of chocolate.
Firstly you are an amazing individual who can do whatever you put your mind to. It might take a few tries, but you’ll get there. If you feel comfortable enough go to your favorite food store or restaurant, you do you! Find the spare 56 quarters stashed in your backpack and buy yourself a bunch of chicken nuggets. Or if you don’t want to walk in, go through the drive-through. Then you can sit in your car and order 2 large fries and eat them. All. Yourself. MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Then you can always go wallow in pity with Cappiello during fourth period lunch. Yes it is correct; Cappiello has moved lunch periods and can only look back on that time that was filled with frivolous and quiet fun. Now he sits alone … in frightful and quiet misery.
Or if you’re still feeling alone and sad inside., you can at least get something done, like doing the math homework which is sitting in your backpack. Yeah, I see it. Or even study for the test you have next period. Then you can listen to music as loudly as your headphones will allow. Listen to your sad and emotional Adele music, SET FIRE TO THAT RAIN AND ROLL ALL AROUND IN THE DEEP. You do you.
In the end you’ll still be able to see your friends in passing class periods and then wave sadly as you blast sad music and eat massively unhealthy amounts of chocolate.
ALSO, AMAZING you can make new friends, or realize you actually do have friends and that you just forgot to compare schedules with them. So now you shall live happily ever after.