What to do about all that make-up work?
Recovering from illness also means catching up on what you missed in class
More stories from Abigail Cubbage
You’re practically dying and you’ve missed four days of school. It physically hurts to even think of the amount of homework you’re going to receive when you walk through those dreaded doors with your million-pound-backpack.
Let’s just go through your supposed missed assignments. Math for sure. So four math assignments composed of say 20 problems each. Then science, which you don’t understand as is. Let’s just say we have three assignments in science. Then for history and English you have two assignments in each. Not even considering the classes such as foreign language or other classes you may have that I just cannot think of at the moment.
Keep in mind this is over the span of four days. This is not counting the current day’s homework. Now we’ll add up how long it takes to do all of those math, science, history and English assignments.
For math say about 45 minutes for each because math doesn’t make sense and it takes time to make sure it is right. That is three hours for math. Then we say half an hour for each science assignment. That is an hour and a half for science. Then half an hour for each assignment in English and history. Right now you have six and a half hours worth of makeup work from four days of being sick.
Be reminded, this is from my point of view and I like to consider myself, for the most part, an above average worker. However, the number may differ if you are a slacker. Then you have fun with your 10 hours of homework, buddy, because likely you were behind already.
Then if your are an over-achiever you might be inclined to ask for more because you’re “bored of the easy classes and they won’t let you take higher level classes, so you’re forced to associate yourself with the lower intelligence beings.”
How does one cope with such amounts of homework and unspeakable sorrow? You can always email your teachers and hope they email back. Even though I know there are those teachers who don’t reply to anything, ever. Email, text, call any of your friends you know of to either ask about homework for you, or if they are amazing they might bring it to you at home for you to work on. Or at least try to work on because it is too much energy to use a pencil? At least you could say you tried, right?
You can also gather the strength to go and ask them yourself; however, I would not recommend it if you feel like you’re going to faint or projectile vomit. Please do not go to school if you feel like this.
It is extremely difficult to catch up after being sick, and it’s hard not to want to cry and obsess over the weight of life’s problems. It will get easier and you will get caught up and continue to get better and I promise you will get over your cough and stuffy nose.
I propose that there be a “Sick-Site” for people who miss a certain amount of days. It would list what you have to do in each class, how to do it, who could possibly help or who to contact. Not necessarily a site that some teachers have already that lists lessons and sometimes when they are due. If the Sick-Site had a more detailed information on the work they miss, maybe even Facetime the lesson if they don’t have notes for that specific lesson. Or if the site counted up the days they missed and gave them a countdown of when they need to get it done
I think people would be able to catch up quicker and be able to be at the same pace as the entire class and not be behind on their work.