Music to their ears
PHS brings home numerous awards from annual festival
More stories from Abigail Cubbage
Members of Erocne perform at the Big Horn Basin Music Festival on April 20.
For the 10th consecutive year, the Powell High School concert band earned a superior score at the Big Horn Basin Music Festival, which was April 20-21 in Worland.
In fact, the PHS jazz band and both the concert choir and jazz choir (Erocne) ranked
The pre-festival concert was on April 17. Both the concert band and choirs performed the songs they performed on Friday, April 20 in Worland. Then the soloists and ensembles went back on Saturday, April 21.
Overall, the songs the concert band played were English Folk Song Suite (First movement), Air For Band and Festivo. The band ranked Superior on all three songs Throughout the day, participants were encouraged and able to listen to other groups. For example, several people listened to the jazz band and then ran to a separate building to hear Erocne
Several of Powell students have been in the musical arts for seven or more years. Some have even been in all four groups, also some people are experiencing it for the first time, including seniors Treven Keeler and Samantha Becker.
“Including the full choir and ensemble I did three…the choir got a one, my solo got a one and the trio got a one,” Keeler said.
This is Keeler’s first and final year of choir and festival
“I think I was pretty well prepared. I had everything memorized. I knew when to crescendo and decrescendo for my solo…the scariest thing was the day before Kalen (Wilkins, senior) texted me and Holden (Wilson, junior), that she had mono and that was the night before we were going to do our trio, so we were kind of worried about that, but we actually did really really good,” Keeler said.

The PHS jazz band earned a superior rating at festival.
Many people have been in festival for several years and have gotten so much improvement and musical knowledge that festival is just that, a party.
“Festival is very fun but it’s also really busy and we prepare for it months in advance and its kind of tightly scheduled. I’m in a lot of the things so I had to run back and forth between buildings, which was hard but still fun…everything got a one,” said Becker.
This is her fourth and final year of music festival.
“I did concert band, concert choir, jazz band and jazz choir, Erocne,” Becker said. “Then on Saturday I did a solo, a vocal duet and a clarinet duet. Those are fun. I got ones in all those too.”

While some students perform from memory, others rely on sheet music during festival.