SkillsUSA officers focus on building PHS chapter
More stories from Jenna Merritt

The PHS SkillsUSA officers (from left) Jami Martinez, Adviser Mrs. Denise Laursen, Izaiah Zapata, Maggie Cappiello, Kaitlyn Church pose for a picture at the SkillsUSA conference in Casper on Nov. 1.
The Powell High School SkillsUSA officers traveled to Casper to participate a SkillsUSA leadership conference on Nov. 1.
The conference consisted of learning new ways to better and improve the school chapters and help the individual members.
“The main point was to bring current leaders from all over the state together so we could form bonds and learn how to use those relationships and relationships with our communities to better our club,” junior PHS SkillsUSA chapter president Kaitlyn Church said.
At the conference, they participated in several activities that focused on life skills and spent time and bonding with their own teammates.
“My favorite part would probably have to be doing different trust, communication and team building exercises,” Church said.
“The most fun part was getting to hang out with Maggie Cappiello, Jami Martinez and Kaitlyn Church because it was a fun experience traveling with them and meeting people from the different schools and just hearing about [their] experiences and what they want to do to grow as a group,” junior chapter Historian and Parliamentarian Izaiah Zapata said.
The bonding and lessons taught at the conference gave the students new information that could benefit the group and get them ready for the future.
“I think having gone together and [gone] through the team building activities [made] our schools officers much [closer] as a group. I think also they have a wider picture of what SkillsUSA represents,” Adviser Mr. Mike Ursuy said. “I think they came back energized to help build our chapter.”
The PHS SkillsUSA chapter is always accepting those interested in joining or informing the people who just want to see what it’s about. See Mr. Ursuy or Mrs. Denise Laursen if interested.
“Try it out, come to a meeting, talk to our officers, get involved – you really won’t regret it,” Ursuy said.