PHS speech and debate competes in national qualifiers
More stories from Holden Wilson
Members of the PHS speech and debate team pose for a picture at the national qualifier in Green River.
Three Powell High School students, Lucy Sullivan for Lincoln Douglas debate and Aidan Hunt and Nic Fulton for their duet, qualified for the National Speech and Debate Tournament in Dallas Texas. The students met the qualification t at the National Qualifiers in Green River March 15-16.
Hunt and Fulton performed the duo “I Hate Hamlet.” They have done this duo all season and have consistently placed second. Although they have consistently finished well, they failed to place at the state competition but made it to the semi-final rounds.
“I felt pretty good about the season,” Hunt said. “State was kind of a bummer because of physical ailments, but went into Nat Quals feeling confident, side from feeling sick.”
Added Fulton: “Evidently [we did] pretty well. I don’t really have anything going on this summer that would conflict with it [National Tournament]. I mean it really depends on my partner.”
Sullivan has participated in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate all season. While she did not end up placing at state, she qualified for nationals.
“I mean probably [I will go], like if everyone else goes,” Sullivan said, “[My season] went pretty good. I won a lot of tournaments.”
Although these students did not place in the state competition they have shown themselves as top ranking competitors in their district.
While this years Speech and Debate season is over for the rest of the team, Sullivan, Hunt and Fulton may have, the final word.
Bob Hunt • Apr 3, 2019 at 2:47 pm
Congratulations to the three competitors as well as their coaches. What a great end to the season.