An inside look at how happy high schoolers actually are
Happiness levels may be perceived differently by male and female students.
Many students are on a constant search for happiness during this stressful time of their lives. For some, it may be just out of reach; for others it may be the norm in their life. But, the question remains: Who is happier in high school, guys or girls?
In a poll of PHS students, 63% said male students seem to be happier than female students, 11% said female students seem to be more happy and 26% said there was no difference in happiness.
“From my perspective, I would say girls generally seem a little bit more upbeat,” Administrative Assistant to PHS’ Counseling Office Mrs. Brakke said. “Boys seem a little bit more hesitant when they initially come into the office.”
Females may come across as being more upbeat and happy to staff members, but most students disagree.
“I feel like boys are typically more happy than girls in high school,” senior Lila Asay said. “[However,] I would say that I notice a common theme of most high school students being unhappy.”
In high school, the full course load and homework can lead to immense amounts of stress placed on the students. However, male and female students have different beliefs about the other gender’s happiness.
“I don’t think guys are happier than girls or girls are happier than guys.” senior Aidan Wantulok said. “I think guys feel like they have to hide their unhappiness more.”
Our society’s belief that males must be strong and not show sadness has led to decreased happiness amongst high school students. All students have different ways to improve their moods, but teachers may be able to help.
“The biggest thing in high school that influenced my happiness is the positive and kind teachers that are willing to explain things and listen to their students.” Asay said.
Everyone can agree that kindness shown by others has the ability to lift your mood. Most students, whether happy or not, may still be looking for ways to increase their happiness level.
“Something I think would be helpful for high schoolers is for them to make sure that they’re taking care of themselves before anything, and putting their mental health and physical health as a priority.” Asay said. “I notice that when I stay on top of my homework, I am happier.”