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The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

  • March 7SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • March 7VARSITY BASKETBALL STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • February 28SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY INVITATIONAL | Friday 7 - Saturday 8
  • February 28INDOOR TRACK: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 6 - Friday 7
  • February 28VARSITY BASKETBALL: REGIONALS | Thursday 6 - Saturday 8
The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

Registration Process

Current Juniors:

Preregistration: February 12, 2024 in the library.  Students will attend the sessions during their US History classes. Students who do not have a US History class with either Mrs. McArthur, Mr. Urbach or Mr. Fulton need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of US History they have been assigned to attend.  Please bring charged device and pencil to the preregistration meeting.

Online Registration: February 20, 2024 in the library.  Students will attend the sessions during their US History classes. Students who do not have a US History class with either Mrs. McArthur, Mr. Urbach or Mr. Fulton need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of US History they have been assigned to attend.  Please bring completed registration sheet, signed contracts, charged device and charger to the online registration meeting. Download the 2024-2025 Registration Form here: Senior Registration Form 24-25. To download the “Senior Big- Take Away’s/Things to Keep in Mind”, please click HERE.

Current Sophomores:

Preregistration: February 13,  2024 in the library.  Students will attend the sessions during their World History classes. Students who do not have a World History class with either Mrs. Hildebrand or Mr. Urbach need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of World History they have been assigned to attend.  Please bring charged device and pencil to the preregistration meeting.

Online Registration: February 21, 2024 in library. Students will attend the sessions during their World History classes. Students who do not have a World History class with either Mrs. Hildebrand or Mr. Urbach need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of World History they have been assigned to attend. Please bring completed registration sheet, signed contracts, charged device and charger to the online registration meeting. Download the 2024-2025 Registration Form here: Junior Registration Form 24-25. To download the “Junior Big- Take Away’s/Things to Keep in Mind”, please click HERE.

Current Freshmen: 

Preregistration: February 14, 2024 in the library. Students will attend the sessions during their English 9 class. Students who do not have English 9 class with Mr. Hawley, Mrs. Bailey or Mrs. Varian need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of English 9 they have been assigned to attend.  Please bring charged device and pencil to the preregistration meeting. Download the 2024-2025 Registration Form here: Freshmen Registration Form 24-25.  To download the “Sophomore Big- Take Away’s/Things to Keep in Mind”, please click HERE.

Online Registration: February 24, 2024 in the library. Students will attend the sessions during their English 9 class. Students who do not have English 9 class with Mr. Hawley, Mrs. Bailey or Mrs. Varian need to come to the counseling office to find out what period of English 9 they have been assigned to attend.  Please bring charged device and pencil to the preregistration meeting.

Preregistration Makeup Date: February 15, 2024 anyone who missed their preregistration period will attend in the library during 5th or 6th periods as assigned.

Registration Makeup Date: February 23, 2024 anyone who did not register online will attend in the library during 5th and 7th periods.

Current 8th Graders:

8th Grade College/Career & Hathaway Information Prior to March 1st, 2024: Middle school counselors and teachers will be doing an activity to introduce students to high school, college readiness, and the Hathaway Scholarship Program.

Preregistration Day March 1st, 2024: Middle school and high school counselors will meet with students in small groups to review the course catalog information. Students will also receive a registration worksheet to begin their planning.  Students will have  two weeks to review the catalog and make final decisions with parent/guardian. Download a copy of the 2024-2024 Freshman Registration Sheet here: FR Registration Form 24-25

High School Registration Night & Elective Showcase Tour:  March 5th 6:00-7:30 PM at PHS Auditorium

Eighth grade students will receive the bulk of the registration information during the activities in class on March 1st.  The High School Registration Night & Elective Showcase Tour is recommended for parents of 8th grade students.  Even if you have attended this meeting with an older child, it is important to attend for your incoming freshmen as he/she is introduced to the high school registration process and would benefit from experiencing first hand electives at the high school.  A link to a recording of last years presentation will remain on the Park County School District web page under the Counseling and Planning tab in case you miss this evenings event.  New information may be added.

At this meeting, counselors will outline the following information:

  • Graduation Requirements
  • Elective Options & Opportunities
  • College and Career Planning
  • Hathaway Scholarships
  • Registration Materials
  • Academic support for freshmen

Download the 4 year plan here: 8th grade 4-year plan worksheet

Download the Hathaway information sheet here: PDF Hathaway Handout 2021 and beyond

8th Grade Online Registration March 8th, 2024: High school counselors will meet with students in small groups and give instructions on how to register online through the student Infinite Campus account. Students are expected to bring their registration worksheets to the online registration meeting listing course requests and two alternate choices.  Once the student has entered their choices online, high school counselors sign and collect their printed registration sheet.  Parents will be able to view their student’s course choices through their student’s Infinite Campus account.