Powell High School put on a funny 80’s musical
The band members in The Wedding Singer wow the crowd.
The band members in The Wedding Singer wow the crowd.
Greg Wise

On May 3rd, Powell High School performed “The Wedding Singer” for the first time. Based on the movie starring Adam Sandler, “The Wedding Singer” is a dance-filled romantic comedy set in the 1980s.

Starting practice a week after normal scheduling, worries formed within the cast, but the outcome couldn’t have been better.

“I think the musical went very well,” senior Amelia Kousoulos said. “We didn’t have as much time as we normally do, but despite that, everyone did their part and really pulled it off well.”

I think the musical went very well. We didn’t have as much time as we normally do, but despite that, everyone did their part and really pulled it off well.”

— senior Amelia Kousoulos

Kousoulos gained lead roles throughout her last two years in drama. She reflects on her time in theater and focuses on the people and experiences she got from them.

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“My favorite part was probably just hanging out with the cast,” Kousoulos said. “This is one of the best casts I’ve been a part of. Everyone was so much fun and brought so much energy and it was awesome.”

My favorite part was probably just hanging out with the cast. This is one of the best casts I’ve been a part of. Everyone was so much fun and brought so much energy and it was awesome.”

— senior Amelia Kousoulos

Before starting the show, administrators need to make big decisions about who will go where.

I think Christi Greaham first found this particular musical,” assistant director Mrs. Kristin Cuddy. “Then, you spend some time watching versions of the play you can find online to try to decide if it’s a good fit for our school and resources. Casting for this show was particularly difficult, as we had multiple talented kids who wanted the same roles and who would have been great. We consider who seems like the best fit for the character, how much time they’re able to commit, as well as work ethic, which is critical when you have two hours worth of lines, dances, and songs to memorize.”

Senior Joe Bucher has participated in drama since his freshman year, with increasing importance each time. For his senior year, he got to be the lead in both the winter play and the spring musical.

“My favorite part was being able to play Robbie Hart,” Bucher said. “He was one of my favorite roles I’ve ever played and was so much fun. It was a character that I had the joy of bringing to life. I had so much fun watching the other actors bring their characters to life as well, especially Amelia as Julia.”

My favorite part was being able to play Robbie Hart. He was one of my favorite roles I’ve ever played and was so much fun. It was a character that I had the joy of bringing to life. I had so much fun watching the other actors bring their characters to life as well, especially Amelia as Julia.”

— senior Joe Bucher

Allie Gilliatt also played a crucial role in the musical, playing the main love interest’s best friend. 

“I had quite a few people tell me how wonderful the production was and that it was the best they’d ever seen from a high school,” Gilliatt said. “I hope the underclassmen realize how awesome they are and grow into those lead roles and leadership positions.”

Being from a supervisor position, Mrs. Cuddy had somewhat of a different view on the workings of the production.

“With all shows, I like the bonds that students form when working on a big show like this,” Mrs. Cuddy said. “There’s often personal growth in students that’s cool to see, too. It helps kids come out of their shells a bit when you have to work together and go outside of your comfort zone to be onstage. It’s hard to pick a favorite part of the show because I loved so much of it for different reasons. I will say I think I laughed every time I heard the guys do the song ‘Single.’”

Hope for growth is always wanted from the seniors leaving.

“I hope that the drama team will continue to put on amazing shows that inspire other students to join the theatre,” Kousoulos said. “I hope that the people continue to welcome newbies and support each other throughout all the coming shows.”

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