Academic advice: Stay organized; work hard


The Strength Coach

Keeping up good grades can be tough but it is all worth it in the end.

Isabella Wambeke, Prowl reporter

Surviving the first semester of high school was rough, but imagine what second semester will be like. Here are some tips to make sure you keep up the good work and pass with high marks.

It is easier to keep track of your homework when you know it has been put safely in a folder that you can find.

  1.       Learn your teacher’s teaching style. The hardest thing about a new semester is most people get new teachers. Trying to figure out how they will grade the homework and give the tests can be difficult. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If a teacher doesn’t give study guides, ask what you will need to know for the test.
  2.       Do the study guides and know them. Writing things down more than once can help you remember them better. If a teacher is willing to put together a study guide for you, then you should be willing to take the time to fill it out and use it.
  3.       Get organized. If teachers had a dollar for every paper turned in wrinkled and with holes, they could retire early. All a student needs is seven folders. It is easier to keep track of your homework when you know it has been put safely in a folder that you can find. If you want to take it a step further you could even buy a planner. You could write down homework deadlines as well as when your tests are.
  4.       Pay attention in class. Almost everyone in this high school has a smartphone they hide under the desk because they think their phone is more important than their education. My question for you is how will Snapchat or Instagram help you get a job? You can live without your phone for 50 minutes, I promise. When you are actively participating in class you are more likely to get something out of the class.
  5.       Last but not least, care. Care about your grades. Strive to do anything and everything you can to keep good grades. Showing you want good grades for yourself makes teachers want to help you more.

If you follow these tips and become more efficient in school you will see great results. Strive for excellence and be proud of your accomplishments.