Binge reading: a different way to do nothing

More stories from Devon Curtis

May 9, 2019

Binge Watching. Everyone knows the term, and many of you have probably done it a few times.

But what most people don’t know is that there is a second way to binge without losing brain cells or gaining 10 pounds from sitting on the couch eating Hot Pockets for a week.

Binge reading is a new and improved version of being lazy for  three straight days.

So here are 10 useful tips for becoming a professional binge reader so when school is back in session at the end of summer, you can avoid all social interaction and be happier with your life.


  1.       Binge reading is most enjoyable when you are alone, so if you are going to do it

properly, you will have to make like a true introvert and lock yourself in your room for at least two days surrounded by blankets and pillows instead of people. People are scary.

  1.       If someone interrupts you while you are in the middle of a binge reading session, make sure to throw a book (or any other object that is nearby) at them to make sure they don’t make that mistake again.
  1.       Be sure to take reading material with you everywhere you go, especially to social gatherings, who knows when you might need to actually have some fun while you’re outside your house.

4.     For it to be a proper binge reading session, you must have a whole series or at least three books to read so you can avoid responsibilities for a maximum amount of time.

5.  When people say, “You can finish six books in two days,” don’t listen to them, they are just underestimating your power.

  1.       Make sure to have tissues nearby at all times, you have no idea what kind of emotional turmoil can be caused by the deaths of fictional characters.

Binge reading is a new and improved version of being lazy for  three straight days.

— Devon Curtis

7.     Caffeinated drinks are a must have when binge reading. If you are going to make it through that whole series in 2-3 days, you’ll need something to keep you up all night. And just remember, you don’t need sleep, you need one more chapter.

8.      If you ever get the feeling you should clean up the atomic wasteland of pizza boxes and energy drink cans that is your room, just read until the feeling passes.

9.    If your parents ever complain about you reading too much, just remind them that you could be addicted to drugs but what are you addicted to instead? Books. Point made.

10.   When you hit the “book hangover” (the inability to start a new book because you’re still processing the wonders of the last one you read), try taking a nap and I’m sure you’ll be ready to start another one when you wake up.

Now that you have the basics of binge reading, you are on the road to becoming a professional bookworm, and trust me, it’s a full-time occupation. So next time you have the desire to binge watch a TV show, try taking the more intelligent path and binge read a series or two.