Trains, Unicorns and Helicopters?

PHS continues to work on The White Hawk to add to the school’s art displays around the school

Madi Fields

More stories from Madi Fields

Madi Fields

The 3D display of the White House is just one of the few art projects that the art students have been working on this year.

The PHS art students have been working diligently these last few weeks to get going on the yearly art project: The White Hawk.

Art teacher Mr. James Gilman is in charge of assisting the students in putting this project together and has been teaching art at PHS for 22 years. This will be his seventh year overseeing major projects but his eighth including the Veterans Memorial display in 2004.

The students this year will be creating the following projects: the White House; the Washington Monument; and the White Hawk helicopter.

“I hope it goes as good and fantastic as the year before,” Mr. Gilman said. “We try to stick with the transportation each year.”

Last year, the art students created the a locomotive scene in the green pod, complemented by taxidermy and other scenery.

But the White Hawk isn’t the only thing they’ve been focusing on this year; they also have many murals and a 3D display of the White House.

“The White House is very detailed [more] than I ever pictured it to be,” Mr. Gilman said.

The art students are planning to have it completed and put on display by the end of the school year.

Students who’ve been dedicated much of their time to the project include: Kanyon Gann, Aubrie Stenerson, Ethan Mann and Crandell Sanders.

Madi Fields
The art students are currently painting the background for the White House project.