Dig it, slang is everywhere


Rachel Gutierrez and Mrs. McArthur stand next to slang of recent and past generations.

Scarlette Mendoza, Prowl Reporter

Here’s the tea, sis: slang is taking over the lives of teenagers and is being used on the daily.
There is nothing that can be done about it because it is a low-key addiction.

Current (or recent past) slang:
Tea- Gossip that one needs to spill
So done- when someone is over something
Oof- used as the reaction when something is harsh or rough and started with the PC game Roblox
Woke- to be aware of social issuesLit- when something is really cool
Extra- when something is bold or stands out
Stan- to support
Skrrt- need to stop or leave
Mood- Used when relating to something
Iconic- something that is so extra you can’t help but stan
Low-key- something that shouldn’t be admitted
Thirsty- having desperate need for something
Quenched- when the thirst is satisfied
Snatched- when something shocking happens and implies somebody snatching your wig.

It has become so normal to use slang these days it is fluently used without a second thought.

— Scarlette Mendoza

 It has made very many accidental appearances in essays, emails and homework.

Let’s have a flashback to the late 1900s and hopefully bring back some slang to spice up our vocabulary:
Daddy-o- a man; used to address a hipster or beatnik
Groovy – cool; hip; excellent
Catch you on the flip side- see you later
Dig it- to like or understand something
Workaholic – a person who works too much or is addicted to his or her job
Jungle Fever- the equivalent to thirsty
TTFN-  ta-ta for now
Choice- totally awesome
Broad-  chick
Bodacious- beautiful
Gag me with a spoon- disgusting
Gnarly- exceptional; very cool
The bee’s knees- absolutely the best

So the tea has been spilled, the thirst has been quenched and the wig has been snatched. Slang has been going on for generations and has been modified to relate to the people and has become part of our vocabulary.

Peace out.