Female Prowl columnist says: “I implore male writers to take journalism into consideration.”
Prowl adviser Mr. Vin Cappiello is flanked by the female members of the Prowl staff. Since this photo was taken, two males have joined the formerly all-female staff.
ISO: Male reporters to join the dream team that is the journalism class. Job will include writing for the Prowl online newspaper, partaking in a buffet of Goldfish, sweets and coffee and being the only guy in a room full of female reporters. The ultimate job.
Since the journalism class was implemented at Powell High School at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, the number of male reporters in the classroom has continuously dwindled until they disappeared completely. This is a problem for two major reasons: First, the amount of creativity that could be in the newsroom isn’t at its prime, and second, there’s absolutely too much estrogen in the classroom, which says a lot coming from a female reporter.
“It’s pretty bland — women only bring certain things to the table,” said Prowl Editor Rachel Kuntz. “It’s pretty hard to find angles when we only have certain viewpoints on things that men might see differently.”
Our Powell High School counterparts (a.k.a. the Yearbook class) have a classroom plum full of boys and girls, a stark contrast to our testosterone-challenged newsroom. The yearbook students had differing views on their classmates and their work environment.
“I’ve never been in a class with all boys or all girls, so I don’t think it would change the dynamic,” said senior Kaelan Groves. “I don’t think it really makes a difference.”
“I think if it was all girls then we would get a lot of stuff done,” said sophomore Payton Asher. “I think some of the guys just like to mess around or just talk the entire time, so it just holds the group back.”
Being in a group setting where different views and ideas can be shared helps the yearbook staff work well together.
“They [the boys] have a different view on certain stories,” said sophomore Jozi Simpson. “When I’m talking about a sport they see more of the scores and those kind of things while girls see emotions in a story. So when you’re writing like a newspaper or story you get both sides of the story.”
For the sake of the Prowl, and my sanity, I implore male writers to take journalism into consideration. It’s an environment to become a stronger writer, express yourself, share your writing with others and make new friends. You’ll acquire a permanent food baby if you enroll, because we take the best care of writers lest they starve to death from working up all that creativity. Plus, we watch Lord of the Rings on repeat, so you can’t exactly go wrong with that.
So if you’re ready to join the elite force of Powell High School’s journalists, we welcome you with open arms. We don’t bite (usually) and we know how to throw a party everyone wants invited to. Boys, it’s time to leave the comfort zone and try something new, for your sake; but mainly for mine.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: In the time it took you to read this column, two PHS senior boys — Aidan Hunt and Holden Wilson — have decided to test the estrogen-rich waters of the Prowl. As I throw them a metaphorical life preserver, I say, “Thank you … and good luck.”