TRENDIEST of TRENDS: Kids sporting perms, socks and Chacos
In the past socks and sandals were worn primarily by dads and grandpas, but now they are back and better than ever.
Bandwagons. We love to hate them. The majority of people might be annoyed when a new trend sweeps through our nation, state, region and town. Trends are a funny concept. One day a style or combination of patterns is considered strange or unfashionable, but in two or three decades they may be the new chic.
Perms. Some are glad they’re back. Most are confused why this ‘’80s hairstyle is coming back, especially to a town in Wyoming.
“I just wanted to get my hair curly last year,” sophomore Braily Gann said. “So I just did it.”
Some may transform their hair for the looks.
“Well you see, it’s ‘cuz it looks dope,” sophomore Kobe Ostermiller said.
Others might take the opportunity to experiment.
“Well, I’ve always wanted curly hair,” sophomore Trevor Groves said. “I’ve always thought about having curly hair, but I didn’t know you could perm it to do it. And then I saw them doing it.”
A couple students might permanently curl their hair for practical uses.
“For basketball,” sophomore Landon Lengfelder said. “Keeps it out of my eyes.”

Landon Lengfelder is sporting a perm during basketball season.
Socks and sandals. Sandals and socks. This popular pair is making a comeback. They used to be worn by dads and older gentlemen out for a nice walk around the park. Now they are worn by boys and girls of all ages.
“I love wearing socks and Chacos,” sophomore Payton Asher said. “I think it’s an easy, quick fashionable trend that should stay forever.”
Years into the future when you are old and grey, reminiscing about 2018 might be filled with memories of memes and \Internet challenges.
“Bongo Cat,” junior Kason Cannon said in reference to what his favorite trend was.
Added senior Shayla Shoopman: “Walmart Yodel boy is the epitome of everything good.”
Trends that shouldn’t carry over into 2019 was a topic of discussion for many Internet users in the new year.
“Fortnight dances. Gross,” Shoopman said in reference to which trends shouldn’t be continued.Added Cannon: “ … no more flossing. There’s plenty of Fortnite dances out there; let’s switch it up a little.”
As we transition into 2019 there will be plenty of questionable trends heading our way.
“I think as the years go on, more fashion trend[s] that were thought to be ugly become the new fashion fad,” Asher said.