STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Meet Pedro Teixeira
Brazilian exchange student’s dynamic personality makes him fun, unique
Pedro Teixeira poses for a picture with the Brazilian flag wrapped around him in Yellowstone National Park.
Most people who hear the name “Pedro” might think of the iconic character from the classic movie Napoleon Dynamite.
These same people likely have never met Pedro Teixeira, a Brazilian exchange student at Powell High School this year.
The Prowl recently caught up with Pedro. Check out the video.
Pedro Teixeira with Brazilian flag credits:
Katarina Roivainen
Acai & Banana Sorbet Photo:
Cross Country Photos 1, 2, and 3 credits:
Scott Schiller
Cross Country Photo 4:
Abby Landwehr
Swimming Photo:
Carla Wensky,17307
Smore Photo:
Country Road Photo:
Pao de Queijo Photo:
American Flag Photo:
Spain Flag Photo:
Flags Photo: