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Fans gather to sing worship music with Kanye West.
So the rumors have been confirmed. Kim Kardashian-West and Kanye West have been in the Cody area these past couple of weeks. Yes, they have bought Monster Lake ranch (now West Lake ranch) as well as held a Sunday Service Sept. 22 in Cody.
Here’s how Prowl staffers feel about it:
“Honestly, I could care less. I was never much on celebrities coming to the area – they are people, after all.”
– Rachel Kuntz, Editor
“I think we should be more accepting of Kim and Kanye coming to Wyoming. I’d get tired of constantly having cameras shoved in my face too, and I personally think this will be a beneficial change for the West family.”
– Hailey Carner, reporter and features editor
“I really don’t have a problem with Kim and Kanye moving to Cody. They aren’t just celebrities, they are people who have rights as well. Plus if it did bother me, there isn’t really much I could do about it anyway.”
– Jenna Hillman, Prowl reporter
“Having two of the most famous people in the country at Monster Lake is definitely interesting, but the odds of meeting them remain slim. However, who knew celebrities knew we existed? But, they have a life and their presence here should be respected. Let’s be honest though…I want to meet them.”
– Ben Whitlock, Prowl reporter
“Personally, I don’t have a problem with them living in Cody, but it honestly doesn’t affect me much”
– Whitney Jones, Prowl Reporter
“Their presence is good for business … it’s the 21st century, get over it.”
– Lauren DeWitz, reporter and opinion editor
“Let’s be honest here. Kim and Kanye are going to do what they want regardless of what we think so why not make the best of it. I think we should have a state-wide banquet and ask them to attend and give a speech. I’m sure they would both have plenty to say. Just ask Taylor Swift.” – Addy Moretti, Prowl Reporter
“Kim and Kanye have a life; they can choose to do what they want with it. Out of all places Wyoming is where they moved to. I like how Kanye is getting involved with the community showing they respect Wyoming and proving they want to stay. At the same time, I don’t want several celebrities coming here and ruining the peace of Wyoming.”
– Emerson Wormald, Prowl Reporter
“Kim and Kanye buying Monster Lake will be good for business in Wyoming, but, at the same time, I’d prefer to not have a bunch of famous people living in Wyoming. I like the seclusion of Wyoming as is, but if famous people want to come to get away, I don’t really care.”
- Kabrie Cannon, Prowl Reporter
“I really have no opinion on the matter, but if I did, I’d say that we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave and we have the constitutional right to live wherever we please and worship however we see fit.”
– Mr. Vin Cappiello, Prowl adviser
“Working in Cody for the past two years, I’ve come to the conclusion that Cody is on its way to becoming another Jackson Hole. I guess if they can survive a winter here, they can stay. But if they start tryna change our way of life, I’ll cuttem.”
– Lauren Lejeune, Prowl Opinion Editor
“I don’t care a whole lot where they live. If they want to come to Cody to get away for a bit, fine by me. But if a bunch of insane fans and people trying to get a glimpse of Kanye start moving to Cody and Powell and turning our small towns in chaos, I’m not going to be happy.”
- Kayla Kolpitcke, Prowl Assistant Editor
“Kanye is a Trump supporter … Kim is just stupid. I don’t have anything else to say.”
- Mads McDowell, Prowl reporter.
“I don’t care one way or another. Them being here doesn’t affect my life one bit. I just like my peace and quiet out at my house in the country, if they want that then let em have it. But keep em on their own land.”
- Wyatt Henderson, Prowl reporter
“I personally think it is bold for Kanye to step out of the ‘celebrity square’ and do his own thing. I mean, we have to respect that in a way. He doesn’t care about what the other celebrities are doing or where they live, he just wants to be where him and his family will be happy. Also, Kanye has been doing a lot for the community already. He isn’t just coming here and ‘shunning’ everyone, like I thought he was going to. He has shown himself in the community, and I personally respect that.”
– Sami Cole, Prowl reporter and news editor
“I don’t see why everyone’s freaking out about Kim and Kanye moving to Cody. No matter how close they live to us, they’ll always be of higher social class than the rest of us. Just because they live here, doesn’t mean we have any special connection with them. It’s not like they’re going to invite an average Wyomingite over for dinner. Sure, it’s something different, but it’s not that big of a deal. It really doesn’t change the fact that there’s a wall between us and them, and that they will never even know most of us exist. I’m bitter that I’ll probably never get to meet them, but I’ll never be bothered by the fact that they’re here.”
-Tegan Lovelady, Ag Reporter and Features Editor
“I think it’s kind of cool that Kim and Kanye are moving here. It shows that we live in someplace that’s desirable, they could live anywhere they want and they chose to live here.”
- Rachel Bozell, Prowl Reporter