A PHS student tells about his way of raising money for college
The Carters have begun their annual pumpkin sale in front of their home on Division street in Powell.
College is expensive, and many people have college funds for their kids.
One Powell High School student has an innovative way to increase his and his siblings’ college backings. For some 13 years, he has been putting this idea to use.
“I have been selling pumpkins since I was 5 … [along with] two younger cousins … and my younger brother Dusty,” senior Jaxson Carter said.
For six months out of every year, Jaxson and his *helpers* plant, grow and harvest pumpkins. Filling a shop with 1,000-2,000 orange, yellow, pink, white, blue and red potential jack-o’-lanterns every season is no simple undertaking. And Carter has been doing it for most of his life.
“I have been selling pumpkins since I was five … in town, but we grow them out of town at my grandparents’ house,” Carter said.
With this many gords to take care of in a six-month period, one would think it would be extremely demanding.
“For care, they just need to be weeded and watered,” says Carter. “We reuse our seeds each year, so now our pumpkins are 13 years of genetics of cross pollination.”
While Carter lives in town, the pumpkins are grown at his grandparents house from April to September. Sales typically start the beginning of October. Cost varies depending on the size of the pumpkin.
“[My grandparents] thought it would be a good way to raise money for college so ever since we have been growing a patch and selling them,” says Carter.