Here are the past trends that are making a comeback in 2019

Kalli Ashby, Prowl reporter

More stories from Kalli Ashby

September 30, 2019

Kalli Ashby

(From left to right) Seniors Braxton Miller and Dylan Cordes pose for a photo.

It’s 2019. You don’t know right from wrong, you are lost and confused. What’s hot? What’s not? Well, PHS, I am here to tell you!

Jonas Brothers! This hot brother/boy band made a comeback at the beginning of 2019 with a fresh new album and it was exactly what we needed for a nostalgic response. While they were able to comeback from their Disney days, we have another child star who is slowly going back down the slippery slope. Ariana Grande, you’re falling off the charts, sister, and not in a good way. Thank you, next.

Moving on to fashion, I am sure you have seen our female’s shoes size getting larger? No. Chunky shoes are in! It’s not their shoe size, it’s them upgrading their fashion sense. Whether it be Fila’s or Nikes wear them proud because they are hot, hot, hot. But you know what is not, not, not? Patterned leggings. I know it’s sad, but really it’s not. It’s for the greater good. I once used to wear the awful things, in middle school. So let’s keep them there.

I know you’ve seen the posters and the marches that have CLIMATE CHANGE in bold letters across them. Saving the planet! Finally it’s in! As it should have been for the last 20 years. Across the nation, millennials and youth are coming together to spread the word that the time is now! The planet isn’t the only thing changing, your lungs are too. Because you’re vaping… yuck. Throw away your little USB and your pride and get some fresh air and morals. Popcorn lung is not a hot look.

If you aren’t putting A6 or C1 on your photos, you’re not hot, my friend. VSCO is the new hot app that every aspiring teenager is using. It allows you to share your so called “aesthetic” pictures in a nonchalant way. I hate to call myself a VSCO girl, but I’ve got to say… it’s a great app.  As VSCO begins to rise to power, I start to see our great leader twitter start to fall into the forgotten land. But why? I ask myself. I guess the inside humor and intellectual tweets just aren’t for everyone.