Lejeune, Tomash share on their experience on making/selling beaded jewelry
One pair of these earrings was given to the winner of “The Western Damsel’s” 100 follower giveaway. The turquoise bolts are the most highly requested item.
Anyone can take a walk down the hallway of PHS and notice the recent influx of beaded jewelry amongst the girls, with western styles the most prevalent. This is due mostly to new small businesses popping up all around.
Beaded chokers, earrings, bracelets and rings are just a few of the many items these young entrepreneurs offer through their jewelry businesses.
“I started selling jewelry because I wanted a hobby,” 2020 PHS graduate Lauren Lejeune said. “Something I could do for myself.”
Lejeune is the proud owner of The Western Damsel, a beaded earring-based business. She started selling products via Instagram in early December 2020, with her most popular item being turquoise lightning bolt earrings.
“It’s an amazing feeling when someone places an order with you, knowing that other people like what you create is so wholesome,” Lejeune said. “I would recommend starting a small business if you have a passion you want to share.”
Beaded jewelry seems to be a passion for many, and it’s a hobby that requires lots of practice.

“When I first started, I had no idea how or where to even start,” said junior Johanna Tomash, the owner of Rowdy Cactus Designs. “I just started learning through trial and error, and it took me several times to figure out how I wanted everything to look.”
The Rowdy Cactus specializes in beaded chokers, but also sells earrings and rings. In late January 2021, Tomash introduced her business to Instagram and Facebook for the first time.
“My sales have gone up tremendously because of my accounts on several social media platforms,” Tomash said. “I get to share my creations with others and live my dream everyday by just doing something I love.”