Powell’s FFA Chapter begins the year with service projects and competitions
Photo Credit: Mrs. Shannon Darrough
From left sophomore Brooke Bessler, senior Taylor Dye, FFA Advisor Mrs. Shannon Darough, senior Madi Harvey and sophomore Cassidy Reimer pose for a picture with their team plaque.
Powell-Shoshone FFA Chapter found several activities to kick off the beginning of the year. Each year the National FFA organization rates each chapter 1-3 stars based on the activities, community service projects, and competitions they attend. Organizing service projects and attending competitions is an important aspect of FFA.
The Chapter began with multiple community service projects. On Sept. 11, members of the FFA Chapter helped make cotton candy for Homesteader Days as well participate in the annual highway clean up.
“I think the highway cleanup was a good experience and a great way to bond with the chapter,” sophomore FFA member Cassidy Reimer said. “Homesteader Days were just a fun way to help out and get to know people around the town.”
The turn out for the projects was more than past years with 35 FFA members attending the highway cleanup.
“The highway cleanup was one of the best we’ve ever had,” senior FFA president Madison Harvey said. “We had a ton of kids show up more than we have ever had.”
The day of community service ended with the freshman picnic. At this picnic, the freshman and new members were welcomed to the chapter. New changes and upcoming events were discussed and there was a chance for parents and members of the chapter to meet the new advisor, Mrs. Shannon Darrough.
One change for the year is the new officer team. The new officers this year are president Madison Harvey, vice president and senior Whitney Jones, secretary and senior Rylee White, reporter and senior Brooklyn Bennett, 2nd vice president and junior Abby Wambeke, sentinel and junior Lily Morrison, parliamentarian and sophomore Wyatt Blackmore, and historian and sophomore Shelby Carter. The officer team supervises committee work, leads chapter meetings, and plans activities throughout the year.
The Powell-Shosone Chapter had their first meeting on Oct. 14. At the meeting, new members were welcomed and introduced, upcoming competitions, and CDE’s were discussed and committees were assigned for the year. After business was discussed, members broke out into groups of four to partake in some icebreaker activities.
“Our first meeting was very successful,” Harvey said. “We were very excited to welcome back our chapter as well as new members.”
Kicking off the fall competition season, the livestock judging team traveled to Billings, Montana to compete at the Northern International Livestock Expansion. It is a week-long stock show with competitions and jackpots. Powell-Shoshone placed 3rd out of 43 teams. Madison Harvey, Cassidy Reimer, Brooke Bessler and Taylor Dye represented the chapter as a team of four. Individually Madison Harvey placed 8th in the senior FFA division.
“I think the team did excellent considering we didn’t have a full team,” Reimer said. “Our reasons and overall presentation was good and we really worked hard in practice so we could perform our best.”