PHS concert choir performed with Northwest College concert choir for the annual Vespers concert

Sophie Czirr

More stories from Sophie Czirr

September 30, 2024

Photo Courtesy of Brenna Henderson

Brenna Henderson and Korbin Harvison wait anxiously backstage before their performance

The Northwest College and Powell High School concert choirs gave a wonderful performance for the Vespers concert at the First United Methodist Church. 

“This was the first time I’ve ever done the concert,” sophomore Paul Cox said. “We walked into the church as they were lighting candles, and I didn’t really know what to expect. But it was a very cool experience.” 

Other participants in the concert choir have had the opportunity to perform at the Vespers concert, but this year was still enjoyable nonetheless. 

“It was pretty much the same as last year,” junior Danika Gibson said. “But I would definitely do it again; it’s one of my favorite things to do.” 

One of the things that makes this concert so special is the atmosphere. Many students participating in concert choir look forward to this event because of how much it differs from other standardized concerts. 

“Our songs contributed to the atmosphere,” Cox said. “It was a new experience for me and many other people who have not participated before.” 

The PHS concert choir and NWC choir performed together which provided a few challenges. Some choir students mentioned that rehearsing with each other beforehand could’ve assisted the outcome of the concert. 

“I think the whole arrangement could’ve gone better,” sophomore Grace Lengfelder said. “For most of us, it was our first time signing with these college students. We hadn’t really practiced with them, but with a couple more practices it would have gone a lot smoother.” 

The common opinion with several students is that more practice could have been beneficial. Choir concerts take a lot of preparation and familiarity with the songs could’ve helped the overall performance. 

“I think that if we had more time to work on the pieces we probably could have gotten them down better,” Cox said. “We had a couple of weeks after the Veteran’s Day program, and it is really hard to put together a performance in just a month. I wish we had more time to become more familiar with the songs.” 

Despite a few challenges, the Vespers concert was a success, and it was a good experience for those who participated. The atmosphere and support from those who came to watch the concert contributed to the great result.

“I think the concert went really well,” Cox said. “It had a wonderful atmosphere and I think that the crowd was really enjoying it. Our pieces were really put together. It was something I hadn’t ever done before so it was a very good experience.”