PHS Student Council members are planning the annual Make-A-Wish week
Photo Courtesy of Emma Johnson
The annual Make-A-Wish week is rapidly approaching. Many activities and fundraising opportunities are planned for the week of Feb. 6-10.
January 30, 2023
Make-A-Wish is a nonprofit organization that allows the dreams of children with critical illnesses to become a reality. This organization has provided many kids with unbelievable experiences and uses the support of others’ donations in order to make these wishes come true.
Every year, Powell High School’s Student Council hosts Make-A-Wish week. The school’s Make-A-Wish event is set in place to raise money for these young kids, and the money is put towards adding a little more joy to terminally ill children’s lives. The planning for this event is already underway and ready to take off during the week of Feb. 6-10.
“[The planning is] going well,” senior and Student Body President Syndey Spomer said. “It’s definitely coming together, and I think it’s going to be a great week.”
The events surrounding this year’s Make-A-Wish event include the traditional dress-up days, and they will go from Feb. 6 to Feb. 10. The attire for each day was influenced by PHS students through a survey sent out by the Student Council.
On Feb. 9, students and community members of Powell have the chance to participate in a dodgeball tournament hosted by Powell High School.
During Make-A-Wish week, there will be multiple fundraising events. One of these many events will be during the white out basketball game on Feb. 10.
PHS students and staff will be encouraged to participate in these activities through the Make-A-Wish week to show their support.
“I think the best way for PHS students to stay involved is to simply attend events,” sophomore class president Katie Morrison said. “The events are very simple and easy-going.”