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The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

  • March 7SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • March 7VARSITY BASKETBALL STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • February 28SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY INVITATIONAL | Friday 7 - Saturday 8
  • February 28INDOOR TRACK: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 6 - Friday 7
  • February 28VARSITY BASKETBALL: REGIONALS | Thursday 6 - Saturday 8
The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

Josie Griffin

Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter

Josie Griffin is a senior at PHS who loves sewing and has managed to make it her main personality trait. If you see her wearing something cool, she probably made it. Although some think she listens to Taylor Swift and TED Talks, Josie enjoys alternative music ranging from indie to hard rock. Josie is always on the lookout for a new underground song to blast in her car. She is also a chronic foot tapper. Josie may be tapping to the beat of a song or because she has anxiety. The world may never know.

Even though she rarely smiles, Josie is quite nice when you get to know her. But beware, her niceness comes with an array of witty remarks and a great load of sarcasm. She may be terrible at following through on personal goals, but she will “usually” show up to social engagements. However, you may have to drag her along.

“As Josie’s one and only friend,” senior and Editor-in-Chief Gabby Paterson said, “I can attest to the fact that she may be intimidating, but she’s actually the most thoughtful person you’ll ever meet.” 

All content by Josie Griffin
Members of team 3189 compete during the FTC World Championship.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
May 3, 2023
Pictured is a hearty bowl of creamy white chicken chili.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
May 1, 2023
School buses can be seen parked at Powell’s bus barn.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
April 20, 2023
 Albertsons, located at 1005 West Coulter Avenue, recently opened in Powell. The new store has rapidly gained popularity among Powell residents.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
February 26, 2023
 Although it may sound bland, this black bean soup recipe is packed with flavor and dimension.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
February 23, 2023
Happiness levels may be perceived differently by male and female students.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
February 17, 2023
A vintage sewing machine sits waiting to be used by a talented seamstress.


Josie Griffin, Prowl Reporter
January 25, 2023
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