Speech and debate wraps up season
The three PHS students who competed at state speech and debate include (from left): Bennett Walker, Aidan Hunt and Ashlynn Aguirre.
Sadness engulfed the Powell High School’s speech and debate team as the season officially ended recently.
Team members say they had a great season, which included a lot of growth and amazing memories made at each meet they went to.
“The season went pretty well and I think there were a few bumps in the road at some points, but I think everybody did pretty well,” Aidan Hunt, junior and state participant, said.
Head Coach Mrs. Michelle Bills and Assistant Coach Mr. Hans Hawley took three students to the state tournament in Lander March 8-10.
Hunt, participating in dramatic interpretation, made it to the semi-finals round. Hunt took third place in drama in all of the 3A schools that attended. Sophomore Ashlynn Aguirre placed second in her event, program oral interpretation (POI), in 3A. Also in 3A, junior Bennett Walker took sixth place in Lincoln-Douglas debate.
“We took three terrific kids to state, and they all did very well,” Mr. Hawley said. “I got the chance to watch them in their events. I was very proud of them for representing our team at the state competition.”
Although there were no national qualifiers, the team had their awards banquet on the evening of March 19. The banquet wrapped up everything for the students and their coaches this year.