FORTNITE: Taking PHS by storm

A catastrophic natural phenomenon strikes down on the people of the world, and you’re left surrounded by the half decomposed husks of your fellow neighbors and acquaintances. It’s up to you to find the source of The Storm and save the rest of humanity. Welcome…to Fortnite.

Fortnite: The new “fad” taking over gamers all over the world, by storm. Developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly, Fortnite was released July 25, 2017, and before then gamers were chomping at the bit to play it, seeing as how the first teaser trailer was released December 2011. The way the game is designed, it looks more rightfully suited for younger audiences it attracts all ages from 7-17. A few of those attend Powell High School.

When asked what their first impression of the game was, Powell High School seniors David Bright and Brooks Asher, had very similar answers;

“My favorite thing about Fortnite is that I’ve met like six people, three of which are from California, who I’ve become really good friends with,” Bright said.

Added Asher: “Getting the dub! But also to be connected with online friends.”

My favorite thing about Fortnite is that I’ve met like six people, three of which are from California, who I’ve become really good friends with.

— Senior David Bright

Fortnite is available for Play Station 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems. The game costs, depending of course where it’s purchased, around $40. The game can either be multiplayer or single player. It has 4 out of 5 stars according to Common Sense Media, and according to Bright the game has some bugs. He added that there need to be some improvements.

“I think that this game should have a filter that allows you to choose the ages of the people you play with, because I’ve played matches with 5-year-olds and it’s miserable,” said Bright.

Asher, on the other hand, had a different opinion.

“Honestly, at this point, I think the game was pretty well thought out and doesn’t have much to work on,” he said.

Overall, the gaming community has welcomed this game with open arms and expects it to be around a long while.