Oh the horror! What to do when you’re finished binge-watching a series?

More stories from Rylie Kannard

You’ve dedicated a good portion of your life to it and missed out on important events and family time because you just have to figure out what exactly happened.

That’s binge watching at its finest.

Now it’s some 10 or so seasons later, the last episode ever has just passed and you’re sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth and wondering what you are going to do with your life. You are experiencing … the showhole.

If you’re currently feeling like this, you are not alone.

Read on to discover a list of elixirs that should just do the trick:

  1. Watch another show in its place for just a bit, to ease the pain, but don’t let the show know it’s your rebound … that’s just awkward for everyone.
  2. Call a friend and ask them to comfort you in your time of need.
  3. Eat your weight and then some in junk-food or whatever food you’d like.
  4. Eat the best chocolate you can get your hands on in bed.
  5. Sleep until your eyes can’t stay closed anymore.
  6. DON’T look in the mirror … you don’t want to see what kind of monster you’ve become.
  7. Write a list of things you can do to fill the void (so not what I’m doing right now).
  8. Look back and bask in your favorite moments of your show.
  9. Write a letter complaining to the producer, and tell them to make more seasons.
  10. Plan to make/produce/star in your own show.