‘Hildy-isms:’ A friendly way to insult someone

More stories from Isabella Wambeke


Photo Courtesy of Greg Wise

Mr. Troy Hildebrand coaches golf and girls basketball and all of those who play for him will always remember his sarcastic remarks.

PHS students who have had the opportunity to be in  math teacher Mr. Troy Hildebrand’s class likely have encountered major amounts of sarcasm.

So the Prowl staff compiled a list of his top 10 most sarcastic remarks.

  1.       “That’s scarier than your fourth grade picture.”
  2.       “That sap sucker”
  3.       “Gemini Moses”
  4.       “This teaching would be a fantastic job if it wasn’t for all of these kids.”
  5.       “That wouldn’t be a great idea, they’re in no position to lose any wisdom.” (Whenever kids get their wisdom teeth out)
  6.       “No one ever got into Harvard with a D in geometry so you might as well give up now.”
  7.       “Big red” (referring to his golfers if they get a sunburn)
  8.       “Get your peripheral poop in a group”
  9.       “Mother Hubbard’s nut butter”
  10.   “Ferdinand the Bull” (What he calls the basketball girls and they have no idea why).

Remarked sophomore Kortny Feller: “He’s a lot of sass packed in a Hawaiian punch bowl.”

Even though these may sound hurtful, most everyone takes Hildebrand’s remarks lightheartedly and likes him as a coach and teacher.