10 ways to be late for school

More stories from Ciara Payne

Getting your hair just perfect for the day is much more important than first period AP Lang and Comp.

— Ciara Payne, PHS junior

While there are reasons upon reasons why showing up to school on time is important, there are just as many if not more reasons on how you could be late.

I have perfected being late, and I am proud of it. So if you ever show up 5-10 minutes or even three hours late, just throw one of these at them and they are bound to respect you:

  1. Getting your hair just perfect for the day is much more important than first period AP Lang and Comp.
  2. Let’s be real, the traffic in small-town Powell is unbearable. I actually had to wait 15 minutes at a red light.
  3. Your Ford that’s been existing longer than you have is done putting up with your crap.
  4. Sleeping in for a couple more periods sounds pretty peachy.
  5. Snow in the beginning of October is a real issue, c’mon.
  6. A bear attacked your car; people will understand I mean this is Wyoming.
  7. You were busy helping old people cross the busy streets (it is possible to be a good human being)
  8. The rainstorm washed your driveway away, and Wal-Mart was fresh out of rowboats.
  9. You got emotional watching that beautiful sunrise
  10. You seem to have a lead foot

The top 10 are all very reasonable ways you can be late. Being late is not a bad habit and honestly I would promote it 100 percent!
Just kidding, but really it happens. Sometimes we just don’t feel like doing the whole life thing, and that’s perfectly OK.

I am Ciara Payne and I approve this message.