10 wonderful pumpkin spice perks

More stories from Kara Borcher

Autumn is full of so-called “white girl” traditions. UGG boots, vests, leggings and most importantly pumpkin spice . Now, some people may say pumpkin spice goes a little too far, I could agree with some points made, but here are 10 pumpkin spice items that make fall the absolute best season ever.

  1. Donuts. Delicious rings infused with the 11 herbs and spices of the fall season.
  2. Scones. These little triangles are amazing with fruit and chocolate chips in them, but add some pumpkin and some spice and drizzle it with maple syrup frosting … Voila!
  3. Cereal. Pumpkin Spice Cheerios might just be the greatest idea ever. You can now have fall in your cereal bowl.
  4. Air freshener. Bring the scent of autumn into your home.
  5. Candles. Light one up and fill any room with the sweet caramel-ly and cinnamon scent of spiced pumpkins.
  6. Pie. A fall staple. Have you ever heard of a Thanksgiving dinner without pumpkin pie? Pumpkin pie is the mother of all pumpkin spice delicacies.
  7. Lip balm. A strange one, but trust me it’s amazing. A pumpkin spice latte constantly on your lips without the caffeine overdose.
  8. Ice cream. A cool treat to go on top of all the hot pie fresh out of the oven.
  9. Perfume. Just in case you feel the need to smell like a coffee shop in mid-October, spritz on a pumpkin spice scent and head on your way.
  10. Lattes. I have to state the obvious. PSL’s might be the best invention to ever be created. Pair that with some pumpkin spice whip cream and you may have the holy grail.

So there ya go, 10 delectable items that include the wonderful blend of pumpkin spice. Don’t be afraid to try some of them and don’t let that stereotypical “white girl” stigma get you down.

You might be surprised at how yummy they are.

To read an alternative opinion on the pumpkin spice topic, click here.