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The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

  • March 7SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • March 7VARSITY BASKETBALL STATE | Thursday 13 - Saturday 15
  • February 28SPEECH AND DEBATE: VARSITY INVITATIONAL | Friday 7 - Saturday 8
  • February 28INDOOR TRACK: VARSITY STATE | Thursday 6 - Friday 7
  • February 28VARSITY BASKETBALL: REGIONALS | Thursday 6 - Saturday 8
The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

The student news site of Powell (Wyo.) High School

The Prowl

Amy Moore

Amy Moore, Prowl Adviser

Mrs. Amy Moore is an enthusiast of the paranormal. She hopes for an alien or bigfoot encounter, but preferably not while cemetery stomping for her long-lost ancestral dead. 

“Her idea of a fun camping trip is to go UFO gazing and unleash a sasquatch scream into the dark forest,” PHS graduate Jordan Moore said

Jordan warns others not to cross his mom. “She’ll correct your grammar, pronunciation, and your squatch call.”

Mrs. Moore’s cover for normality is wife, mother to four, grandmother to one, a corgi caregiver and hydrator of hydrangeas.

All content by Amy Moore
Holocaust literature students from Powell High School discuss and thank Andrew Laszlo Jr. for sharing the story of his late father.


Sophie Czirr, Prowl Reporter
February 13, 2024
Curated to give the option of fostering a new environment for underclassmen,  the workshops put on by the theater department of Shakespeare in the Schools.


Abby Thiel, Prowl Reporter
November 10, 2023
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