Navigating the not so wonderful world of wisdom teeth removal

More stories from Isabella Wambeke

Wisdom teeth removal is not the easiest but it isn’t the hardest either.

Wisdom teeth removal is not the easiest but it isn’t the hardest either.

Almost everyone will have to experience the pain of getting their wisdom teeth removed. Whether you only get one or four removed, it is still painful.

Here is a list of `10 things to know before you go.

  1.       Try to plan the procedure accordingly. You will be in pain for at least a week if not longer. If it is at all possible, try to set the date over a long break so you will have no stress and can fully recover.
  2.       Yes, your cheeks might be sewn to your gums. If you have a small mouth chances are your dentist had no place else to thread the stitches but through your cheeks.
  3.       Keep your medicine on hand. It really helps to be able to decrease the pain for a few hours and try to get some sleep.
  4.       Have plenty of pillows. It hurts like crazy to lay flat on your back without propping your head up. This is because the blood rushes to the site and causes a throbbing pain.
  5.       After the first day rinse your mouth gently. It is suggested to mix a pinch of salt and warm water together and gently swish it around your mouth. This helps clean the mouth and rid it of bacteria.
  6.       Keep a lot of ice packs in your freezer. Ice packs help reduce swelling and pain. Apply ice for 20 minutes and then take it off for 20 more minutes.
  7. Yes, your cheeks might be sewn to your gums. If you have a small mouth chances are your dentist had no place else to thread the stitches but through your cheeks.

           Avoid straws like the plague. No one wants the dreadful experience of a dry socket. Dry sockets are caused by the loss of a blood clot exposing the bone normally due to sucking motions.
  8.       Eat soft, healthy foods. Why is this important? According to Colgate, vitamins, minerals and protein are important to help wound healing. Some foods you can eat are scrambled eggs, greek yogurt or instant oatmeal. For the first few days it will be hard to move your mouth so protein shakes like Ensure or Carnation are encouraged.
  9.       Do not breathe on people. Ladies and gentlemen, your post-surgery mouth with stink to high heavens. If you want that special someone to keep liking you, don’t talk to them until the bad breath has subsided.
  10.       Take advantage of this little break and relax. Even though it will be painful, put on a movie and let your worries go away.

Look at this procedure as a once in a lifetime experience. You never have to go through that again as long as you live. Just follow these simple steps and consult your dentist with any questions you might have. Good luck and happy healing.